Bram van Sambeek

Bram van Sambeek is a Dutch bassoon soloist and teacher.
He was principal bassoonist in the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and played as a regular guest principal in the London Symphony Orchestra and Mahler Chamber Orchestra. He has performed as a soloist with many orchestras like the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, Lahti Symphony Orchestra, and the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, and has an ongoing cooperation with BIS Records...
Van Sambeek is a professor at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln since 2017.

Early life and education

Bram van Sambeek started playing the bassoon when he was 10 years old. Initially he took classes with Fred Gaasterland. At the Royal Conservatory of The Hague he was taught by Joep Terwey and Johan Steinmann. After graduating the took classes with Gustavo Núñez and master classes with Klaus Thunemann and Sergio Azzolini. At the age of 15, he joined the Dutch Youth Orchestra - Nationaal Jeugd Orkest - and from the age of 18 until 20 he played in the Gustav Mahler Jugend Orchester.
The Heckel bassoon that Van Sambeek plays was made in 1970 and is the Heckel #11174. This instrument was previously used by Klaus Thunemann and Sergio Azzolini.


From 1997 onwards, Van Sambeek played chamber music with, among others, the Orlando Quintet. He also plays regularly at chamber music festivals such as the Delft Chamber Music Festival, the Lockenhaus Chamber Music Festival, the West Cork Chamber Music Festival, and the Storioni Festival
In the past, he was part of the Schulhoff Trio and formed a duo with Izhar Elias, with whom he played on the album Bassoon Kaleidoscope.
From 2012 to 2015, van Sambeek was admitted to and participated in, The Bowers Program of the Chamber Music Society of the Lincoln Center in New York.
In 2002, van Sambeek started out as solo and first bassoonist at the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2011, he left the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra because he wanted to focus on chamber music and his soloist career.
From 2007 onwards, van Sambeek is a regular guest solo bassoonist at the London Symphony Orchestra, the Mahler Chamber Orchestra, and many other orchestras.
Van Sambeek also teaches bassoon:
Van Sambeek is involved with special projects: