Braided Hopf algebra

In mathematics, a braided Hopf algebra is a Hopf algebra in a braided monoidal category. The most common braided Hopf algebras are objects in a Yetter–Drinfeld category of a Hopf algebra H, particularly the Nichols algebra of a braided vectorspace in that category.
The notion should not be confused with quasitriangular Hopf algebra.


Let H be a Hopf algebra over a field k, and assume that the antipode of H is bijective. A Yetter–Drinfeld module R over H is called a braided bialgebra in the Yetter–Drinfeld category if
A braided bialgebra in is called a braided Hopf algebra, if there is a morphism of Yetter–Drinfeld modules such that
where in slightly modified Sweedler notation – a change of notation is performed in order to avoid confusion in Radford's biproduct below.


For any braided Hopf algebra R in there exists a natural Hopf algebra which contains R as a subalgebra and H as a Hopf subalgebra. It is called Radford's biproduct, named after its discoverer, the Hopf algebraist David Radford. It was rediscovered by Shahn Majid, who called it bosonization.
As a vector space, is just. The algebra structure of is given by
where, is the coproduct of, and is the left action of H on R. Further, the coproduct of is determined by the formula
Here denotes the coproduct of r in R, and is the left coaction of H on