Bloodmoon (1990 film)

Bloodmoon is a 1990 Australian slasher film directed by Alec Mills and starring Leon Lissek, Christine Amor, Ian Williams, Helen Thomson, and Craig Cronin. It was featured in the documentary


Horror about a psychopathic mass murderer takes place in an elite Catholic girls' school environment. Young couples meet in the nearby forests. One day, under dramatic circumstances, young people start to lose. Nervousness grows, all begin to control the feeling of fear that breaks out when the truth becomes more terrible than anybody waited...


The film was shot on the Gold Coast.


In Australia, the film was released with a "fright break" towards the end where the audience had a chance to walk out and claim a refund.

Critical reception

called it a "silly Australian slasher film". Jim Schembri wrote in Cinema Papers that:
It is an unspeakably funny film, but in the saddest possible way. It is a film promoted as a horror film, and it is for anyone with any faith left in Australian mainstream film... For a film as awful, as cliche ridden, as derivative as unimaginative and as poorly made as Bloodmoon to be made in Australia in 1990 is a cause of national mourning.