
Bighapur is a tehsil and a nagar panchayat in Unnao district in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India.


India census, Bighapur had a population of 6501.
There are 1,201 House Holds in Bighapur.
There are 3,374 males ; There are 3,127 females.
Scheduled Cast are 1,674
Total Scheduled Tribe are 0.
Literacy rate of Bighapur city is 80.87 % higher than state average of 67.68 %. In Bighapur, Male literacy is around 87.66 % while female literacy rate is 73.54 %.
Bighapur Workers are 2,240. 1,483 are regular Workers and 757 are Irregular Workers.
There are total of 4,261 Non Workers in Bighapur.
Female Sex Ratio is of 927 against state average of 912. Moreover, Child Sex Ratio in Bighapur is around 918 compared to Uttar Pradesh state average of 902.


There are 3 degree college -
There are few Inter Colleges -
Aided Inter colleges are
Unaided inter colleges are
There are others Aided and Unaided College which fall in Bighapur Block -
Bighapur has one block level hospital near BSNL telephone exchange, Bighapur.



is the junction point for Rae Bareli, unchahar, Kanpur, Unnao. There are total 4 passenger trains which are passes through Bighapur Railway Station and has stoppage also.


Bighapur is situated just 30 km away from Unnao Bypass Gate near Nirala Nagar and distance from Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh is approx 70 km. Distance between Bighapur and Kanpur is only 40 km.