Bidding (cards)

Bidding is the process in many card games, such as Skat, Pinochle, Binokel, Bridge, Solo Whist, Préférence, L’Hombre, Bauernschnapsen and most types of Tarock, whereby players vie to be able to specify the type of contract, the trump cards and/or to be able to pick up a set of face-down cards known variously, for example, as the talon, skat, dabb.
Players may raise the bid until the highest bidder is determined when the others all say "pass". Bidding may be done in successive pairs as in Skat or in succession as in Schafkopf. If a player overbids this usually has negative consequences, often involving the loss of the game. However, overbidding in Bridge may be used as a tactical manoeuvre in order to prevent the opponents playing a high value game.