Bayaty-Shiraz is a musical modal system in traditional mugham music. This is the sixth mode and consists of 1-1-0.5 tone, which is created in amalgamation of two tetra-chords with the third method. It consists of nine membranes. There passes membrane among the tetra-chords. It creates melancholic feelings at listener. Subgenres of Bayaty-Shiraz are: Bardasht, Isfahanak, Maye, Gardaniyye, Nishibi-Faraz, Bayaty-Isfahan, Khums-Ravan, high-pitched tone Bayaty-Shiraz, Abulchap, Khaveran, Huzzal, Shikasteyi-Fars, Dilruba, space. Bayaty-Shiraz is called the “bride of the music” in the countries which are the home of the mugham. This dastgah is played in the “left” tone of the Bayaty-Shiraz. The Azerbaijani tarplayerBahram Mansurov notes that Bayaty-Shiraz, formerly known as Bayaty-Isfahan, existed as independent dastgah only in the early 19th century. M. Navab described Bayaty-Shiraz mugham as a section in the “Vuzuhul-Argam” treatise, and named the fifth of 12 mug-hams as Isfahan.
Being one of the 7 main mughams of the Azerbaijani oral music, Bayaty-Shiraz has sections with the same name. "Ba-62 yati-Shiraz" and its classifications, colors and many folk songs and dances have been created on the base of Bayati-Shiraz. ComposerUzeyir Hajibeyov said that Bayaty-Shiraz mugam arouses a sense of sadness in the listeners. In the table compiled by Mirza Faraj Rzayev, Bayati-Shiraz consisted of 17 sections and chapters: “Daramed”, “Bayati-Isfahan”, “Bayati-Shiraz”, “Abul-Chap”, “Jafariyya”, “Budashti”, “Bayati-Kurd”, “Haji Yuni”, “Gilachi, Dashti”, “Mahdi-Zerrabi”, “Qatar”, “Bayati”, “Ashiqi-Gush”, “Niiriz-Davudi” and “Huzzal”. In 1925, in the program prepared by Hajibeyov, the Bayaty-Shiraz dastgah was described as "Bayati-Isfahan" and consisted of ten sections and chapters: "Maye-Bayati-Shiraz", "Bayati-Isfahan", "Abul-chap", "Azerbaijan", “Bayaty-Kurd”, “Haji Yuni”, “Dashti”, “Qatar”, “Huzzal” and “Bayati-Shiraz.” When comparing the Bayaty-Shiraz dastgahs in the mugham table of M. F. Rzayev and the mugham program of Uzeyir Hajibeyov, it turns out that, some sections and chapters are same. As a result of the development of Bayaty-Shiraz some sections and chapters were removed from the dastgah. Thus, some parts and chapters were cut off from the components as they did not correspond to the Bayaty-Shiraz dastgah. The subgenre of “Azerbaijan” began to be used in the footsteps of "Shahnaz", "Bayati-Kurd" as "Nava" dastgah, in parallel as small independent "Bayati-Kurd" mugam, "Haji Yuni" as “Shur”, "Qatar" as "Mahur-hindi". The "Dashti" dastgah first existed as a branch in "Nava", and then began to be used as a small independent mugham called "Dashti".
Presently the Bayaty-Shiraz dastgah consists of 8 sections and chapters: “Bardasht”, “Maye-Bayati-Shiraz”, “Nishibi-Faraz”, “Bayati-Isfahan”, “Zil Bayat-Shiraz”, “Khavaran”, “Huzzal”, “Dulruba” and “Foot to Bayati-Shiraz”. The khananda, who sings mughams, performs the fast-paced "Nishibi-sepat" instead of "Bardasht". Some khanandas start Bayaty-Shiraz dastagh with "Maye-Bayaty-Shiraz". Some of them begin with the part of “Molevi” of "Bardasht" of Bayaty-Shiraz. The “Molevi” is followed by the Maye-Bayaty-Shiraz, one of the main sections of the dastgah. This section is the basis of the Bayaty-Shiraz dastgah.
After Maye-Bayati-Shiraz, "Nishibi-faraz" section is played. "Nishibi-faraz" also serves as a connecting role, which combines the "Maye-Bayati-Shiraz" and "Bayati-Isfahan" sections. The khanandas, who perform the "Bayati-Shiraz", sing "Bayati-Isfahan" after Bardasht and "Maye-Bayati-Shiraz". At the same time "Nishibi-faraz" plays the role of transition “Sarenj” to the “Maye-Shura”. The "Nishibi-faraz" sections of “Shur” and Bayaty-Shiraz differ from each other from melodic point of view. Thus, the "Nishibi-sepat" sections in both dastgahs have different characters and tones. The "Bayati Isfahan", the central part of the Bayati-Shiraz covers the average range of dastgah in the tessitura. Strong sounding is a prerequisite for Bayati-Isfahan's vocal and instrumental performance.
After the "Bayati-Isfahan", the high-range sections are coming. These sections include “Zil Bayaty-Shiraz”, “Khaveran”, “Huzzal” and “Dulruba”. "Zil Bayaty-Shiraz" is the repetition of Maye-Bayati-Shiraz in high-range. There is also a difference here because of the change of the melodies' shades and the other character. In the "Maye-Bayaty-Shiraz" is dominated by sadness, in "Zil Bayati-Shiraz" rhythm is dominant.
The "Khaveran" section, which is performed after "Zil Bayati-Shiraz", was previously performed between "Shikasteyi-fars" and "Eraq" sections of the Rast dastgah. Then the Khawaran section was removed from the Rast dastgah, and it was positioned only between “Bayati-Isfahan” and “Huzzal” sections of Bayati-Shiraz. In addition, the "Khaveran" section plays a role of bridge between Bayati-Shiraz and Segah dastgahs.
Khaveran is followed by "Huzzal" section. This section requires khanandas a loud voice.
After the "Uzzal" section, “Dilruba” section is coming in a frivolous manner, which did not include Bayati-Shiraz dastgah previously.