Barguzin Nature Reserve

Barguzinsky Nature Reserve is the oldest of zapovedniks. It is located in Buryatia on the west slope of the Barguzin Range, including the northeast shores of the Lake Baikal and a part of the lake itself. The name of the preserve comes from the Barguzin River. The area of the reserve is. It was created in 1916 to preserve and increase the numbers of Barguzin Sable. Mountainous and taiga landscapes are also being preserved.

Ecoregion and climate

The Barguzin Reserve is located in the Trans-Baikal conifer forests ecoregion. This ecoregion covers a mountainous region of southern taiga stretching east and south from the shores of Lake Baikal in southern Russia, and reaching in to northern Mongolia. The climate of Barguzin is Subarctic climate, dry winter. This climate is characterized by mild summers and cold winters having monthly precipitation less than one-tenth of the wettest summer month.

Flora and fauna

The Barguzin Nature Reserve is inhabited by elks, musk deer, brown bears, Black-capped Marmots, grouse, etc. Omuls, sigs, sturgeons, graylings, taimens, lenoks and other fish spawn in the rivers of the reserve.

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