
Ballyhooey is the 99th animated cartoon short subject in the Woody Woodpecker series. Released theatrically on April 20, 1960, the film was produced by Walter Lantz Productions and distributed by Universal International.


After a short history of television, the high towers of a TV station transmit waves.
Woody turns on his TV set to watch his favorite quiz show, “Win the Whole Wide World.” He waits for a question, the prize for which is “The Whole Wide World.” But the program keeps being interrupted by endless annoying commercials promoting such products as hair restorer which turns a bald man into a hairy gorilla, small cars, cigarette products for the thinking man, toothpaste, curlers, Scat-Fat tablets which reduce an obese man until he's as thin as a sheet of paper, and sleep-inducers.
Finally, the question is broadcast: “Who is buried in Grant’s Tomb?” Woody rushes to the station with his answer, Napoleon, only to discover it is incorrect. Although it's wrong, he earns a consolation prize: he'll be sent south for the winter, all expenses paid.
Woody ends up on the South Pole, only to watch more TV, freezing, inside an igloo. When the announcer says, “First a word from our sponsor,” Woody shoots his TV set and stops the show.