Average CPU power

The average CPU power, is a scheme to characterize power consumption of new central processing units under "average" daily usage, especially server processors, the rating scheme is defined by Advanced Micro Devices for use in its line of processors based on the K10 microarchitecture. This rating is similar to Intel's thermal design power used with Pentium and Core 2 processors, measuring the energy consumption of high workloads, which in numbers are slightly lower than the TDP value of the same processor.
AMD claims the ACP rating includes the power consumption when running several benchmarks, including TPC-C, SPECcpu2006, SPECjbb2005 and STREAM Benchmark, which AMD said is a better method as a power consumption measurement for data centers and server intensive workload environments. AMD has said that the ACP and TDP values of the processors will co-exist, and do not replace one another. All server products will see two power figures starting from the codenamed Barcelona server processor onwards.
As of June 2020, the Zen-based CPUs do not seem to have an ACP figure, listing only a TDP figure.