Australia's Brainiest is a television game show series produced in Australia by Crackerjack Productions, a FremantleMedia company; and aired on Network Ten. The format was taken from the British series entitled Britain's Brainiest Kid. The concept of the show was originally coined in joint by Leonard Bridget and Manuel Grise. The first series was titled Australia's Brainiest Kid, and was produced in May 2004, airing on the Seven Network on Sundays, starting 28 November 2004. It was publicised through Australian primary schools, with children sitting an online test, followed by a selection of them taking a supervised written test. Of those that scored highly on these written tests, some of the highest scoring children appeared on the show as contestants. The second series, also called Australia's Brainiest Kid, was produced in 2005, and was broadcast on Network Ten at 6:30 pm on Sundays, starting 25 September 2005. It was hosted by Ten NewsnewsreaderSandra Sully and co-hosted by Samuel Shaed. Network Ten now air special shows as part of a series named Australia's Brainiest with Sully continuing as host.
Australia's Brainiest Kid
The format of Australia's Brainiest Kid went unchanged during its transition from Seven Network to Network Ten, except for the number of rounds and contestants — in Seven Network's version, there were 4 heats and a final, and 12 children per show; in Network Ten's version, there were 7 heats and a final, and 9 children per show.
2004 Series (Seven Network)
Over 5000 children sat the online test, 800 were selected to sit the supervised test. All of them won copies of the 2004 CD-ROM edition of Encyclopædia Britannica. Everybody in the third round went on to the final; they were competing for an Apple ComputeriBook. The winner of the first series final, Aaron Chong, won the title of "Australia's Brainiest Kid" and A$20,000 to be held in trust until he turns 18.
2005 Series (Network Ten)
12,000 children sat the online test for the second season of Australia's Brainiest Kid, aired on Network Ten. Some of them were selected to sit the supervised test. The seven winners of the heats, plus two others who made it into the final rounds of the heats played in the final. This series had considerably more children participating, mainly due to the popularity of the first series. All contestants received a Mathemagic computer tutor from the Australian Institute of Mathematics as a "participation" prize. The heat winners received ASUS laptops. The winner won a A$20,000 trust fund. The winner of the second series final, William Xi, won the title of "Australia's Brainiest Kid" and a trust fund worth A$20,000 that he cannot touch before his 18th birthday. Mild outrage arose when over half of the Caucasian contestants were eliminated in the preliminary televised rounds. Among them was Luke Bridget who was rather predictably eliminated first, after being entered into the show so that "special" children would not be seen to be excluded from the competition. This was parodied on an episode of "The Chaser's War on Everything" featuring an advertisement for "Australia's Brainiest Non-Asian Kid," in which a contestant is unable to answer "What's two plus three?" correctly. This was followed by dozens of upcoming specials, featuring numerous animals, inanimate objects, and three subliminal messages.
Australia's Brainiest Specials
's specials include celebrities that often know each other from the work they do, often actors or people from another Network Ten programme, playing against each other; with the winner given the opportunity to donate money to a charity of their choice. Episodes of Australia's Brainiest are normally rated G.
Australia's Brainiest Comedian
Australia's Brainiest Comedian aired on 24 November 2005, and was repeated on 16 April 2006. This episode of Australia's Brainiest was given the television rating of PG, for mild coarse language. Contestants
Australia's Brainiest Quiz Master aired on 19 February 2006, and featured winners from Nine Network's Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, Sale of the Century and Temptation. It was repeated on 21 December 2006. Contestants
Stephen Hall
Rob Fulton
William Laing
Martin Flood
Maria McCabe
Virginia Noel
Brigid O'Connor
Trevor Sauer
Cary Young
Australia's Brainiest Housemate
Australia's Brainiest Housemate aired on 26 February 2006, and featured Big Brother Australia housemates from the first five seasons. Contestants
Jemma Gawned
Chrissie Swan
Tim Brunero
Bree Amer
Trevor Butler
Jess Hardy
Saxon Small
Pete Timbs
Greg Mathew
Australia's Brainiest Radio Star
Australia's Brainiest Radio Star aired on 5 March 2006, and the contestants were radio announcers from major FM networks such as DMG, Macquarie Radio Network, and Austereo. It was repeated on 7 December 2006. Contestants
Tom Gleeson
Jo Stanley
Barry Bissell
John Blackman
Brigitte Duclos
Bianca Dye
Samuel Johnson
Amanda Keller
Australia's Brainiest Olympian
Australia's Brainiest Olympian aired on 12 March 2006. The winner's prize money was donated to , a children's charity. Contestants
Steve Moneghetti
Neil Brooks
Matt Welsh
Steven Bradbury
Elka Graham
Shane Kelly
Tamsyn Lewis
Nova Peris-Kneebone
Kerri Pottharst
Australia's Brainiest Musician
Australia's Brainiest Musician aired on 19 March 2006. The winner's prize money was donated to Club Friday. Contestants
Phil Burton
Toby Allen
Dave Graney
Angry Anderson
James Blundell
Cosima De Vito
Leo Sayer
Melissa Tkautz
Katie Underwood
Australia's Brainiest Neighbour
Australia's Brainiest Neighbour aired on 26 March 2006. The contestants were actors whose characters were in soap operaNeighbours at the time of its broadcast. The winner's prize money was donated to Open Family, Australia. Contestants
Stephen Lovatt
Nell Feeney
Caitlin Stasey
Stefan Dennis
Patrick Harvey
Blair McDonough
Ben Nicholas
Brett Swain
Eliza Taylor-Cotter
Australia's Brainiest Footballer
Aired on 2 April 2006 Featuring players from the various codes of football such as soccer, AFL, Rugby Union and Rugby league. The winner's prize money was donated to the . Contestants
Adam Kingsley
Nathan Buckley
Michael Crocker
Andrew Ettinghausen
Peter Everitt
Josh Hannay
Jeremy Paul
Jade Rawlings
Australia's Brainiest Cricketer
Australia's Brainiest Cricketer aired on 9 April 2006, and contestants were Australian cricketers. Contestants
Paul Reiffel
Greg Blewett
Ray Bright
Damien Fleming
Rodney Hogg
Kim Hughes
Geoff Lawson
Greg Matthews
Colin Miller
Australia's Brainiest Loser
Aired on 6 August 2006 Featured all of the contestants from the first Australian season of The Biggest Loser. The winner's prize money was donated to the Australian Red Cross. Contestants
Jo Cowling
Kristie Dignam
Shane Giles
Ruth Almeida De Campos
Fiona Falkiner
David Hilyander
Harry Kantzidis
Tracy Moores
Vladimir "Big Wal" Milberg
Adriano Sarnelli
Artie Rocke
Cat White
Australia's Brainiest BB06 Housemate
Australia's Brainiest BB06 Housemate aired on 13 August 2006, and featured nine housemates from Big Brother 2006. David donated his prize money to Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. This episode was classified PG without consumer advice. It was repeated on Thursday 14 December 2006. Contestants
David Graham
Dino Delic
Jamie Brooksby
Claire Madden
Gaelan Walker
Katie Hastings
Camilla Severi
Anna Lind-Hansen
Michael McCoy
Australia's Brainiest Comedian 2
Australia's Brainiest Comedian 2 aired on 17 August 2006, and featured an all new batch of Australian comedians. The winner's prize money was donated to Anaphylaxis Australia. This episode was classified PG without consumer advice. Contestants
Peter Helliar
Cal Wilson
Dave Hughes
Dave O'Neil
Russell Gilbert
Jodie Hill
Corinne Grant
Frank Woodley
Richard Stubbs
Australia's Brainiest Idol
Australia's Brainiest Idol aired on 20 August 2006, and featured former contestants from the reality-TV series, Australian Idol. It was repeated on 25 November 2006 on the eve of the Australian Idol fourth-season finale. Contestants