Attila József Prize
The Attila József Prize is an annually awarded Hungarian literary prize for excellence in the field of belles-lettres. It was first resented in 1950 in honour of the poet Attila József. Another major Hungarian literary prize is the Kossuth Prize.Prizewinners
For a complete list of prizewinners see :hu:József Attila-díjasok listája|listing at the Hungarian Wikipedia
- László Németh 1951
- Géza Képes 1952
- Sándor Dallos 1953
- Lajos Áprily 1954
- Magda Szabó 1959 and 1972
- Sándor Csoóri 1954
- István Fekete 1960
- Margit Szécsi 1960
- Endre Illés 1963
- Endre Fejes 1963
- Béla Vihar 1966
- János Pilinszky 1971
- Menyhért Lakatos 1976
- Miklós Szentkuthy 1977
- Ágnes Gergely 1977 and 1987
- Anna Dániel 1983
- Zsuzsa Rakovszky 1987
- Menyhért Lakatos 1993
- Zsófia Balla
- Attila Bartis