Ati language (Philippines)

Ati is an Austronesian language of the island of Panay in the Philippines. The variety spoken in northern Panay is also called Sogodnin. The Ati people also speak Kinaray-a and Hiligaynon.


Pennoyer and Reid consider Inati to be an isolate with the Philippine languages. It differs markedly from the Visayan languages and has many features not found in the Central Philippine languages.
Inati shows some unique sound changes.
Lobel lists the following Ati communities in the Philippines, with populations given in parentheses.
Total: 8,728+
Baruah lists the following locations.
Pennoyer reports that Sogodnin is spoken by a few remaining speakers in Cogon, Malay, and on Carabao and Boracay islands.

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