Asterism (astronomy)

In observational astronomy, an asterism is a popularly known pattern or group of stars that can be seen in the night sky. This colloquial definition makes it appear quite similar to a constellation, but they differ mostly in that a constellation is an officially recognized area of the sky, while an asterism is a visually obvious collection of stars and the lines used to mentally connect them; as such, asterisms do not have officially determined boundaries and are therefore a more general concept which may refer to any identified pattern of stars. This distinction between terms remains somewhat inconsistent, varying among published sources. An asterism may be understood as an informal group of stars within the area of an official or defunct former constellation. Some include stars from more than one constellation.
Asterisms range from simple shapes of just a few stars to more complex collections of many bright stars. They are useful for people who are familiarizing themselves with the night sky. For example, the asterism known as The Plough, Charles' Wain, the Big Dipper, etc. comprises the seven brightest stars in the International Astronomical Union recognised constellation Ursa Major. Another is the asterism of the Southern Cross, whose recognised constellation is Crux.

Background of asterisms and constellations

In many early civilizations, it was already common to associate groups of stars in connect-the-dots stick-figure patterns; some of the earliest records are those of ancient India in the Vedanga Jyotisha and the Babylonians. This process was essentially arbitrary, and different cultures have identified different constellations, although a few of the more obvious patterns tend to appear in the constellations of multiple cultures, such as those of Orion and Scorpius. As anyone could arrange and name a grouping of stars there was no distinct difference between a constellation and an asterism. e.g. Pliny the Elder in his book Naturalis Historia refers and mentions 72 asterisms.
A general list containing 48 constellations likely began to develop with the astronomer Hipparchus , and was mostly accepted as standard in Europe for 1,800 years. As constellations were considered to be composed only of the stars that constituted the figure, it was always possible to use any leftover stars to create and squeeze in a new grouping among the established constellations.
Furthermore, exploration by Europeans to other parts of the globe exposed them to stars unknown to them. Two astronomers particularly known for greatly expanding the number of southern constellations were Johann Bayer and Nicolas Louis de Lacaille. Bayer had listed twelve figures made out of stars that were too far south for Ptolemy to have seen; Lacaille created 14 new groups, mostly for the area surrounding South Celestial Pole. Many of these proposed constellations have been formally accepted, but the rest have historically remained as asterisms.
In 1928, the International Astronomical Union precisely divided the sky into 88 official constellations following geometric boundaries encompassing all of the stars within them. Any additional new selected groupings of stars or former constellations are often considered as asterisms. However, depending on the particular literature source, any technical distinctions between the terms 'constellation' and 'asterism' often remain somewhat ambiguous. e.g. Both the open clusters The Pleiades or Seven Sisters and The Hyades in Taurus are sometimes considered asterisms, but this depends on the source.

Large or bright asterisms

Component stars of asterisms are bright and mark out simple geometric shapes.
Some asterisms may also be part of a constellation referring to the traditional figuring of the whole outline. For example, there are:
There are many others.

Commonly recognised asterisms

Other asterisms are also composed of stars from one constellation, but do not refer to the traditional figures.
Other asterisms that are formed from stars in more than one constellation.
Asterisms range from the large and obvious to the small, and even telescopic.