Arun Mehta

Arun Mehta is an Indian software developer and a disability activist. At the request of Stephen Hawking, he, along with Vickram Crishna, developed a free and open source software named eLocutor, to allow severely disabled person to write and speak.

Early life

Mehta obtained a B. Tech degree from IIT Delhi in 1975, a Masters in Computer Sciences from the Stony Brook University. After that, he worked with Siemens AG in Erlangen for three years. As a fellow of Friedrich Ebert Foundation, he joined the PhD program of the Ruhr University in 1982. After returning to India, Mehta joined Indata Com Private Limited as the Managing Director. During this time, he developed a software for early detection of Alzheimer's disease, for the University of Pittsburgh.


During a tour to India in 2001, Stephen Hawking delivered lecture in an international physics conference dedicated to String theory held at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. It was during this time, Hawking, suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, contacted Mehta and Crishna along with several other software companies to write the replacement for the software he was using for the computerised machine fixed to his wheelchair, to communicate with others. Mehta and Crishna developed eLocutor, a free and open source single-button typing and speaking software.