Artists in biographies by Filippo Baldinucci

's Notizie de' Professori del Disegno, Da Cimabue in qua, Secolo V. dal 1610. al 1670. Distinto in Decennali was a major art biography of Baroque painters. Written by the erudite Florentine professor of the Accademia della Crusca, it is often verbose and rife with factual errors; however, it is a broad compendium of stories about generally contemporaneous Baroque painters.
Dozens of Flemish and Dutch painters, including Rembrandt, were judged to merit inclusion. Though Baldinucci may have met some of these Northern painters on their travels to Italy, the majority of the Dutch and Flemish names he included had biographical notes under portraits engraved by Jan Meyssens, whose work was popular, and whose engravings were reused by Cornelis de Bie for his 1682 book
Het Gulden Cabinet. Baldinucci included both De Bie and Meyssens in his book. The posthumous edition includes and expanding list of artists:

Decennale II