Ares (TV series)

Ares is a Dutch horror drama web television series, created by Pieter Kuijpers, Iris Otten and Sander van Meurs. The series stars Jade Olieberg, Tobias Kersloot, Lisa Smit and Robin Boissevain. The series premiered on Netflix on January 17, 2020.


The first series follows Rosa Steenwijk, a first-year medical student in Amsterdam, as she joins the secretive student society Ares and slowly learns what they really are.




On February 12, 2019, it was announced that Netflix had given the production a series order for a 8-episode first season. The series is created by Pieter Kuijpers, Iris Otten and Sander van Meurs who are also credited as executive producers. Production companies involved with the series were slated to consist of Pupkin.


Alongside the initial series announcement, it was confirmed that Jade Olieberg, Tobias Kersloot, Lisa Smit, Robin Boissevain, Roos Dickmann, Jip van den Dool, Steef de Bot, Janni Goslinga, Dennis Rudge, Minne Koole, Jennifer Welts and Florence Vos Weeda had been cast in the series.



On December 13, 2019, Netflix released the official trailer for the series. The series premiered on January 17, 2020.