Aoi Honō
Aoi Honō is a Japanese coming-of-age manga series written and illustrated by Kazuhiko Shimamoto. It is a fictionalized account of his time as a student at the Osaka University of Arts, which he attended alongside Hideaki Anno, Hiroyuki Yamaga, and Takami Akai. It was adapted into a Japanese television drama that aired in July 2014 and ended in October 2014. The live action drama is legally streaming on Viki with English subtitles.Cast
- Yūya Yagira – Moyuru Honō
- Ken Yasuda – Hideaki Anno
- Tsuyoshi Muro – Hiroyuki Yamaga
- Tomoya Nakamura – Takami Akai
- Mizuki Yamamoto – Tonko Morinaga
- Yuina Kuroshima – Hiromi Tsuda
- Kaname Endō – Masahiko Minami
- Gaku Hamada – Toshio Okada
- Kenji Urai – Kentarō Yano
- Yui Ichikawa – Jun Iwase
- Haruna Kojima – Masumi
- Seika Taketomi – Miyuki
- Jirō Satō – MAD Holy
- Anna Kon'no – Rumiko Takahashi
- Toshio Okada – Osamu Tezuka
- Tōru Furuya – Narrator and Katsuya Niimi
- Hiromi Tsuru – Yuri Nakao
- Makio Inoue – Captain Harlock
- Masako Nozawa – Tetsuro
- Masako Ikeda – Maetel
- Teruhiko Aoi – Joe Yabuki
- Hiroko Ushida – Yōko Shiraki
- Kōichi Yamadera – Captain Juzo Okita, Susumu Kodai and Ryu Hijikata
- Katsumi Toriumi – Masato Wakamatsu
- Ryōtarō Okiayu – Jun Kenzaki
- Kappei Yamaguchi – Nobotta Ōyama
The manga received 23 points in the 3rd Manga Taishō, placing last among the ten nominees. It won the 60th Shogakukan Manga Award for Best General Manga along with Asahinagu. In February 2015, Asahi Shimbun announced that Aoi Honō was one of nine nominees for the nineteenth annual Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize.Sales
Volume 2 sold 24,521 copies by 17 May 2009, volume 9 sold 20,415 copies by 18 November 2012, and volume 10 sold 17,068 copies by 16 June 2013.