Anthomastus is a genus of soft corals in the family Alcyoniidae.Species in the genus include:
- Anthomastus aberrans
- Anthomastus agaricoides
- Anthomastus agaricus Studer, 1890
- Anthomastus agassizii Verrill, 1922
- Anthomastus antarcticus Kükenthal, 1910
- Anthomastus bathyproctus Bayer, 1993
- Anthomastus canariensis Wright & Studer, 1889
- Anthomastus giganteus Tixier-Durivault, 1954
- Anthomastus globosus d'Hondt, 1992
- Anthomastus grandiflorus Verrill, 1878
- Anthomastus granulosus Kükenthal, 1910
- Anthomastus gyratus Molodtsova, 2013
- Anthomastus hicksoni Bock, 1938
- Anthomastus muscarioides Kükenthal, 1910
- Anthomastus purpureus
- Anthomastus rylovi Naumov, 1952
- Anthomastus tahinodus d'Hondt, 1988
- Anthomastus zealandicus Benham, 1928