Andru Bemis

Andru Bemis is an American musician from New Mexico, currently living in Binghamton, New York. He performs on the banjo, violin, guitar and banjo-ukulele. Bemis lives a minimalist lifestyle, and is known for his engaging live shows throughout the United States. He tours primarily by train, public transportation, and hitchhiking.
Bemis has released three solo albums: "Plays Past His Bedtime", "Singer", and "Rail To Reel". He has collaborated on albums with Jason Webley, Trent Wagler & Jay Lapp, Rachel Ries, and Elisabeth Pixley-Fink.
For six years starting in 2007, Bemis operated Foundry Hall, a non-profit, all-ages community center and performance venue in South Haven, Michigan.
Bemis hosts the radio show Chenango Sessions.
