Afflicted (TV series)
Afflicted is an American documentary television series on Netflix. The show follows individuals suffering from various chronic diseases and illnesses, seeking treatment and cures. Netflix released all seven episodes of its first season on August 10, 2018.Episodes
Since its release, the show has received backlash for its portrayal of chronic illnesses as psychosomatic or psychiatric disorders. HuffPosts Caitlin Flynn wrote that the series "failed the chronic illness community". Cast members on the show have since publicly come out against the show and its editing practices. A group of physicians, scientists, filmmakers, writers, and others, including Sini Anderson, Jennifer Brea, Mario R. Capecchi, Ronald W. Davis, Lena Dunham, Maya Dusenbery, H. Craig Heller, Judith Heumann, Porochista Khakpour, Deborah Hoffmann, Monica Lewinsky, Abby Norman, Meghan O'Rourke, Frances Reid and Maysoon Zayid,
have petitioned Netflix to remove the series from its platform, identifying misrepresentation of subjects and questionable tactics as well as medical and scientific flaws as key problems.