Actaea (moon)

Actaea, officially Salacia I Actaea, is a natural satellite of the large classical Kuiper belt object 120347 Salacia. Its diameter is estimated, which is approximately one-third the diameter of Salacia; thus, Salacia and Actaea are viewed by some astronomers to be a binary system. Assuming that the following size estimates are correct, Actaea is about the sixth-biggest known moon of a trans-Neptunian object, after Charon, Dysnomia, Vanth, Ilmarë and Hiiaka, but possibly also Hiisi.

Discovery and name

It was discovered on 21 July 2006 by Keith S. Noll, Harold Levison, Denise Stephens and Will Grundy with the Hubble Space Telescope. On 18 February 2011, it was officially named Actaea after the nereid Aktaia.


Actaea orbits its primary every at a distance of and with an eccentricity of. The ratio of its semi-major axis to its primary's Hill radius is 0.0023, the tightest trans-Neptunian binary with a known orbit.

Physical characteristics

Actaea is magnitudes fainter than Salacia, implying a diameter ratio of 2.98 for equal albedos. Hence, assuming equal albedos, it has a diameter of Actaea has the same color as Salacia, supporting the assumption of equal albedos. It has been calculated that the Salacia system should have undergone enough tidal evolution to circularize their orbits, which is consistent with the low measured eccentricity, but that the primary need not have been tidally locked. The low density calculated for the system implies that both Salacia and Actaea consist chiefly of water ice. Salacia and Actaea will next occult each other in 2067. The mass of the system is 4.66 ± 0.22 kg, with about 4% of this being in Actaea.