Academic ranks in Italy
in Italy are the titles, relative importance and power of professors, researchers, and administrative personnel held in academia.Overview
Faculty :
- Professore Emerito
- Professore Ordinario, or more precisely: Professore di I fascia
- Professore Straordinario
- Professore Associato, or more precisely: Professore di II fascia
- Professore Associato non confermato : Professore di II fascia taking his/her three years of testing before being confirmed as Professore Associato)
- Professore aggregato
- Ricercatore confermato
- Ricercatore non confermato
- Assistente
Non-faculty and temporary:
- Professore a contratto
- Professore incaricato
- Assegnista di Ricerca
- Dottorando di Ricerca
Notice that as of January 2011, some changes have been introduced in the above system, in particular faculties have been abolished in all Italian state universities substituted by larger departments in charge of both teaching and research. Therefore, the role of the "Preside", that used to be the head of the faculty, is now extinguished.
Administrative ranks
- Rettore
- Prorettore
- Preside
- Presidente di Consiglio di Corso di Laurea
- Direttore di Dipartimento
Faculty members must hold a master's and often a PhD and degrees can be :