54321 is a 2016 Tamil language Indian psychological thriller film written and directed by Ragavendra Prasad, which was his directorial debut. The film features Shabeer Kallarakkal, Aarvin and Pavithra in lead roles, with Rohini, Pasanga Sivakumar and Ravi Raghavendra playing supporting roles.


Director Ragavendra Prasad relates that the concept came to him while working with Karthik Subbaraj in Pizza, and was inspired by the 2006 American-Mexican-French drama Babel. The title 54321 developed from the plot revolving around 5 people, their 4 life styles, the 3 murders within the plot-line, the 2 hours film length, and the 1 revenge within the tale. During July 2015, the filming was reported as then being in progress. It will feature music composed by Joshua Sridhar.


The story covers the lives of five persons who are interconnected through life situations, plotted in a house.


The music was composed by Joshua Sridhar and was released at an event held at Prasad Lab, Chennai, on 31 April 2015.


The film's released trailer received mixed response which pleased the director.