4th Mountain Artillery Regiment (Italy)

The 4th Mountain Artillery Regiment 4° Reggimento Artiglieria da Montagna) was a field artillery regiment of the Italian Army, specializing in mountain combat. Since their formation the Mountain Artillery Regiments have served alongside the Alpini, a mountain infantry corps of the Italian Army, that distinguished itself in combat during World War I and World War II. The Alpini and Mountain Artillery regiments share, besides their close history, the distinctive Cappello Alpino.
The regiment was constituted in 1934. The regimental motto was: "Su tutte l'erte e sopra ogni cima". It consisted of the following units:
The regiment was sent with the 4th Cuneense Alpine Division to fight in the Soviet Union during World War II and was destroyed during the Soviet Operation Little Saturn in January 1943. 379 of the regiment's 3,897 men survived the Soviet offensive; none of the soldiers of the Artillery Group Mondovì survived.