2APL is a modular BDI-based programming language that supports the development of multi-agent systems. 2APL provides a rich set of programming constructs allowing direct implementation of concepts such as beliefs, declarative goals, actions, plans, events, and reasoning rules. The reasoning rules allow run-time selection and generation of plans based on declarative goals, received events and messages, and failed plans. 2APL can be used to implement muti-agent systems consisting of software agents with reactive as well as pro-active behaviours.


2APL provides programming constructs to specify both multi-agent systems and individual agents. Multi-agent systems are specified in terms of individual agents and the environments with which they interact. Individual agents are specified in terms of the following ingredients.
The 2APL Platform and its corresponding Eclipse plug-in editor are developed to facilitate the development and execution of multi-agent programs. The execution of an individual 2APL agent program is realized by a cyclic sense-reason-act process, called the deliberation process. The execution of a 2APL multi-agent program is the parallel executions of the involved individual agent programs.