1925 in Turkey
Events in the year 1925 in Turkey.Parliament
- 2nd Parliament of Turkey
- President – Kemal Atatürk
- Prime Minister
- Leader of the opposition – Kazım Karabekir
Ruling party and the main opposition
- Ruling party –Republican People’s Party
- Main opposition – Progressive Republican Party
- 3rd government of Turkey
- 4th government of Turkey
- 1 January –Turkey gained the right of duty tax
- 11 February – Beginning of Sheikh Said rebellion
- 17 February – Tax of Ashar ended. An important reform in the daily lives of the villagers
- 24 February – The rebels captured Elazığ
- 26 February – End of the Regie Company. An important step in the economics
- 3 March – Fetkhi Okyar’s cabinet which was ineffective against the rebellion was replaced by İsmet İnönü's new cabinet
- 4 March – Independence Tribunals
- 8 March – Rebels were defeated around Diyarbakır
- 12 April – Sheikh Said was arrested
- 1 May – Earthquake in Adana
- 3 June – Independence Tribunal closed the Progressive Republican Party
- 5 August – Atatürk and Latife Hanım were divorced
- 25 August – In Kastamonu Atatürk made a speech on traditional costume and expressed his preference for western style hat
- 4 September – First ball in which Muslim women attended
- 25 November – The Hat reform
- 30 November – Tekkes, traditional institutions were closed
- 11 March – İlhan Selçuk, journalist
- 5 April – Sadri Alışık, actor
- 28 May – Bülent Ecevit, journalist, prime minister
- 15 June – Atilla İlhan, poet
- 6 July – Gazi Yaşargil, MD
- 15 August – Münir Özkul, theatre actor
- 28 September – Ali Bozer, lawyer, politician
- 9 December – Atıf Yılmaz, film director
- 22 December – Lefter Küçükandonyadis, footballer
- 14 February – Halit Pasha, general, politician
- 12 March – Hüseyin Ferit Törümküney, bureaucrat, politician
- 29 June – Şeyh Said, recel leader
- 18 December – Süleyman Sırrı Aral, engineer, politician