1879 Mudgee colonial by-election

A by-election was held for the New South Wales Legislative Assembly electorate of Mudgee on 6 January 1879 because of the resignation of Sir John Robertson who was then appointed to the Legislative Council, to facilitate the coalition of his supporters and those of Sir Henry Parkes to form an effective government.




Buchannan's supporters petitioned the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly against the return of Rouse, alleging that
  1. The returning officer illegally voted in the election and voted for Rouse;
  2. That a voter had left his vote for Rouse on the table and not placed it in the ballot box;
  3. The Poll Clerk at one booth did not appear until 10:00 am despite voting commencing at 9:00 am; and
  4. The electoral roll included two men under 21 years old who had voted for Rouse.

The Committee of Elections and Qualifications overturned the election of Rouse and declared that Buchanan was elected as the member for Mudgee. No reasons were published however The Sydney Morning Herald stated that it appeared that the majority of Mr Rouse was created by illegal voting.