100 Code

100 Code is an internationally co-produced Swedish crime drama series, created by Ken Bruen and developed by Bobby Moresco, that first aired on German premium channel Sky Krimi on May 14, 2015. The series, which stars German-born British actor Dominic Monaghan and the late Swedish actor Michael Nyqvist, is based upon Bruen's novel Merrick, and follows Tommy Conley, an NYPD detective who travels to Stockholm to advise and investigate a particularly gruesome series of murders.
The series was broadcast on Sky Atlantic in the United Kingdom, airing weekly from January 6, 2016. A DVD release of the complete series was released on October 30, 2015 in Germany, and on March 28, 2016. The series premiered in the United States on WGN America on May 29, 2018.


Detective Tommy Conley travels to Stockholm to advise and investigate a particularly gruesome series of murders. Young, blonde, blue-eyed women are found murdered at regular intervals near water bodies and flower fields. Conley has to work with the Swedish investigator Mikael Eklund. The two hate each other, both fight with their own demons. After initial problems, the investigators investigate a series of murders, which, as initially thought, is not limited to New York and Stockholm, but has much larger dimensions.

