
10,000 is the natural number following 9,999 and preceding 10,001.


Many languages have a specific word for this number: in Ancient Greek it is μύριοι, in Aramaic ܪܒܘܬܐ, in Hebrew רבבה , in Chinese 萬/万, in Japanese , in Khmer ម៉ឺន , in Korean 만/萬 , in Russian тьма , in Vietnamese vạn, in Thai หมื่น , in Malayalam പതിനായിരം , and in Malagasy alina. In many of these languages, it often denotes a very large but indefinite number.
The Greek root was used in early versions of the metric system in the form of the decimal prefix myria-.
The number 10000 can also be written 10,000, 10.000, 10 000, or 10•000.

In mathematics

10001 to 10999