Ángel María Garibay Kintana was a MexicanRoman Catholic priest, philologist, linguist, historian, and scholar of pre-ColumbianMesoamerican cultures, specifically of the Nahua peoples of the central Mexican highlands. He is particularly noted for his studies and translations of conquest-eraprimary source documents written in Classical Nahuatl, the lingua franca of Postclassic central Mexico and the then-dominant Aztec empire. Alongside his former studentMiguel León-Portilla, Garibay ranks as one of the pre-eminent Mexican authorities on the Nahuatl language and its literary heritage, and as one who has made a significant contribution towards the promotion and preservation of the indigenous cultures and languages of Mexico. Garibay and León-Portilla publishedtexts and scholarly analysis for the study of classical Nahuatl literature, founded the journal :es:Estudios de cultura náhuatl|Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl, and created the Seminario de Cultura Náhuatl. In the seminar, they taught fundamentals of literature and linguistics to Nahuas, who went on to create a modern Nahuatl literature. In recent years, the relationship between the development of Nahuatl literature as a field and the ideology of indigenismo and mestizaje has been critically examined.
1937. La poesía lírica azteca. Mexico City: Bajo el signo de ábside, 1937.
1940. Poesía indígena de la altiplanicie. Mexico City: UNAM.
1958. Veinte himnos sacros de los nahuas. Los recogió de los nativos Fr. Bernardino de Sahagun, franciscano, México, UNAM, Instituto de Historia: Seminario de Cultura Náhuatl.
1961. Llave del náhuatl: colección de trozos clásicos, con gramática y vocabulario, para utilidad de los principiantes. Editorial Porrúa.
1963. Panorama literario de los pueblos nahuas. No. 22. Editorial Porrúa.
1964. La literatura de los aztecas. México: J. Mortiz.
1967. "Códice Carolino": manuscrito anónimo del siglo XVI en forma de adiciones a la primera edición del" Vocabulario de Molina." Estudios de cultura náhuatl 7 : 88.
1987. Historia de la literatura nahuatl: Primera parte: Étapa autónoma: de c. 1430 a 1521;: Segunda parte: El Trauma de la conquista: 1521-1750. Porrúa, 1987.
1993. Poesía náhuatl. 3 vols. Mexico City: UNAM.
1997. Panorama literario de los pueblos nahuas. Mexico City: Editorial Porrúa.